

Religion And Environment -IKIM's Perspective Agama Islam merupakan agama utama Malaysia sangat menekankan etika alam sekitar. Pendekatan IKIM membina kapasiti di kalangan belia melalui program Transformasi Belia di Kuala Selangor adalah sebagai inisiatif memberikan pendedahan bagaimana untuk mebela alam sekitar yang semakin kritikal.
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Ibrah From Disaster (Lessons From Disaster) is a short documentary focusing on catastrophic events that have hit the Asian countries such as the Tsunami in Aceh Indonesia, the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan and the Haiyyan Typhoon in the Philippines. Following this increasingly threat of nature has made us explore the possibilities of many other destructive natural disasters. The Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) in collaboration with Kyoto University has held a workshop titled "International Workshop Toward Building Regional Platform For Disaster Risk Reduction In Asia" it is a golden opportunity for Malaysia to learn from the experiences of other Asian countries who have been suffering from major disasters. Stories behind the catastrophic events of countries such as Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines in this workshop has expand Malaysia’s view to take the Ibrah (lessons) from this and now in preparation, knowledge-wise. It is impossible for us to prevent the occurrence of natural disasters. However, the loss of life and property due to the disaster can be mitigated if all parties work together to reduce the risk of disaster. Ibrah From Disaster (Lessons From Disaster) is a documentary that can educate viewers to be more sensitive and prepared for various threats of natural disasters if they are repeated. Does a country like Malaysia, can be prepared if facing a catastrophic disaster?

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SOME DIMENSIONS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE Governance refers to the exercise of economic, political, social and administrative power to manage a country affairs which also include corporations and other relevant entities. It comprises the mechanisms processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. In reality, good governance principles are deeply ingrained in the Quran. On the 3rd of September 2019 the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) had organized a Colloquium on Good Governance in Islam. This video highlights the important discussions presented in the Colloquium with the aim to form a better understanding on the issue of good governance among the general public.

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Dokumentari pendek berkenaan Program Pencegahan Pembaziran Makanan sempena bulan ramadan 2019.

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Dokumentari Hari Bumi- Pandangan Agama Terhadap Perubahan Iklim Dunia

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Dokumentari : Pembelaan Alam Sekitar Mendambakan Khalifah Di Muka Bumi Sambutan Hari Bumi Sedunia turut diperkasakan oleh Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia bukan sahaja untuk kepentingan alam ciptaan Ilahi tetapi untuk kesejahteraan manusia masa kini dan masa akan datang. Beranjaklah dari saya tahu ke saya peduli dan saya akan berbuat sesuatu demi kesejahteraan alam. “Telah kelihatan kerosakkan di daratan dan di lautan disebabkan perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian daripada (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar” Surah Ar-Rum : 41

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Religion And Environment -IKIM's Perspective Agama Islam merupakan agama utama Malaysia sangat menekankan etika alam sekitar. Pendekatan IKIM membina kapasiti di kalangan belia melalui program Transformasi Belia di Kuala Selangor adalah sebagai inisiatif memberikan pendedahan bagaimana untuk mebela alam sekitar yang semakin kritikal.

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Tajaan Perusahaan Makanan 2025 Ramadan